Your Retirement Income Blueprint

A Canadian Bestseller
3rd Edition – by Daryl Diamond
Anxiety about retirement finances is running high for anyone approaching the end of their working life, made all the more urgent by a perfect storm of jarring events and uncertain economic conditions. How can retirees afford to retire, let alone enjoy their retirement, in years to come?
Your Retirement Income Blueprint© offers proven strategies that show you how to:
- Combine government and personal sources of income most efficiently
- Determine which assets to use first and which to defer
- Preserve government benefits and entitlements that are often needlessly wasted or lost
- Create results that are more survivor-and-estate-friendly than traditional approaches
- Greatly reduce taxes on retirement income and the aggregate estate
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“Daryl’s easy-to-use, step-by-step process is your blueprint for creating a sustainable retirement income stream and enjoying a financially worry-free retirement. When it comes to creating your retirement paycheque, Daryl Diamond is the expert. His book is a must-read for all boomers”
Pattie Lovett-Reid, Chief Financial Commentator, CTV News
“Now that I’ve reached my own Findependence Day, I intend to use Daryl’s Blueprint as my personal plan to drawing income from a diversified portfolio and other income sources. As more baby boomers enter semi- and full retirement, the new edition of Diamond’s book is more essential than ever.”
Jonathan Chevreau, MoneySense Editor at Large and author of ‘Findependence Day’
“The investing rules change when you retire. Everything you need to know is in this book.”
Rob Carrick, Personal Finance Columnist, The Globe and Mail
“Daryl Diamond has written a realistic, yet optimistic approach to getting the best bang for your buck in retirement. Diamond lays it all out in a guide that’s bursting with information, ideas and examples. A book like this might be one of the best investments you could make to ensure you’re making the most efficient use of your retirement assets.”
Howard Green, BNN anchor & author, “Banking on America”
“Diamond has skillfully created an essential handbook for retirement – one that will empower and educate a whole generation of soon-to-be-retirees. His years of experience shaping portfolios and dealing with individuals makes this a very hands-on and personal book, that anyone can benefit from, at any age.”
Amanda Lang, Senior Business Correspondent CBC News and anchor of ‘The Exchange’
“Most authors tell you how to get ready for retirement. Daryl Diamond teaches you how to create a reliable income after retirement. If you need help with a strategy to draw down your assets, you will find this book provides a solid foundation. Should be required reading for financial advisers.”
Ellen Roseman, Toronto Star columnist, author and continuing education instructor
Your Retirement Income Blueprint was written with Boomers in mind.
Your Retirement Income Blueprint was written with Boomers in mind, because boomers are increasingly aware of the importance of retirement income planning, but they can’t find the knowledge and expertise they need, even among professional financial planners. Covering topics from consolidating your assets to creating sustainable income, this book is the foundation for making the most out of what you have taken a lifetime to save.